Swan Song Redux
July, 2013, I wrote of my desire to pass the reins of MMOC Ride Director off to a more youthful, exuberant and dedicated Homo sapiens. Unfortunately, due to a couple last minute glitches, that never came to fruition.
Since inception in 1994, when LAPD’s Bob Hossfeld and I schemed a last minute mid-California 2 or 3 day ride, our ranks have swollen ten-fold as has mileage, duration and states traversed. For the love of discovery, scenery and all things on two wheels, MMOC has ridden mountaintops, canyons and gorges, low and high desert and some of the world’s most serpentine tarmac bisecting lush forests. And, in those 6 states, we’ve only fractionally touched on the wonderment of the north and southwest quadrants of the U.S.
However, the upcoming 25th Anniversary Ride noted below shall be my last endeavor to spearhead, scrutinize and administer our yearly event. Considering the 3 years I organized July and September rides, 28 MMOC tours accompanied with at least 35 more Blue Knights and private group multi-week treks during that time span across 6 other central states as distant as Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas and Colorado’s Pikes Peak dictate it’s time to pass the torch. While I did not research and lead each and every ride above, the lion’s share that I did taught me it’s far easier and much less time consuming to let others do so. At 75 years old, I have absolutely no desire to quit riding; blend in mid-pack and worry about the precious cargo on pillion is my wish, follow the leader if you will. The decision to continue our fun and very camaraderie-centric annual exploratory rides rests with the Board of Directors and their ability to find a replacement, if desirous. I trust their wisdom will prevail.
Care to join me as we take in the verdant Pacific Northwest state of Washington to ride the impossibly beautiful waterfall-laden east and south side of Mt. Rainier, then revisit Mt. St. Helens the next day? Rainier hasn’t changed in centuries; St. Helens has been far more evolutionary, particularly since she blew her top May 18, 1980. New routing and vastly divergent scenery await us.
I have reserved 20 rooms at each hotel, all in the name of “MMOC Group”, and with one noted exception, each establishment will have a 7 day reservation cutoff and 72 hour cancellation clause. A word of caution to PROCRASTINATORS: Because these reservation blocks (in some cases by written contract with me) have not been prepaid by MMOC, a couple establishments will only guarantee room availability up to 30 days out with a credit card transaction! Apologetically, also note this year, peak season hotel rooms are a minimum of 10 to 15% higher than in the recent past and I believe reflective of the burgeoning economy.
Sunday, July 8, 2018: Meet and greet @ the Best Western Shadow Inn, 584 N. East St., Woodland, Ca. 95776 (530 666 1251). I have requested interior pool view rooms and the rates are $90.00 + tax for MMOC. For early arrivals, some rooms will be available after 1300. Chevron just yards away @ 596 N. East St.
Monday, July 9, 2018: Cerulean Hotel, 100 Main St., Klamath Falls, Or. 97601 (541 882 4666). All rooms $90.00 + tax. Because there’s no convenient quality stations coming into town, we’ll gas up in the morning on our way out @ Chevron, 3730 Hwy 97 N, Klamath Falls.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018: Cousin’s Country Inn, 2114 W. 6th St., The Dalles, Or. 97058 (541 298 5161). King rooms $105.00, dbl. qn. $115.00 + tax. Shell @ 1700 W. 6th St. This hotel has a 30 day cutoff and 24 hour cancellation clause.
Wednesday and Thursday, July 11 and 12, 2018: Red Lion, 510 Kelso Dr., Kelso, Wa. 98626 (360 578 4017). All rooms $94.00 + tax. Gas stations across the street.
Friday, July 13, 2018: Best Western Miners Inn, 122 E. Miner St., Yreka, Ca. 96097 (530 842 4355). King rooms $100.00, dbl. qn. $105.00 + tax. Gas stations across the street.
Our 25 year milestone deserves commemorate memorabilia for this momentous occasion. What better way than a monogrammed T-shirt from my friend and supplier Mark Thomas, a retired OPD Patrol Sgt. who does excellent embroidery and artwork? My vision, not open to debate BTW, is navy blue men’s regular and women’s V-neck T-shirts with gold and white lettering. I will need an email with your exact size and “name” spelling in quotes before the ordering deadline of April 30, 2018, NO EXCEPTIONS! Price is TBD, I suspect in the $25.00 to $30.00 range and I will arrange for delivery to our kickoff hotel where we’ll collect the $$.
If you have any questions, fire away; please confirm your attendance by sending me an email and I will forward the initial detailed routes, gas and food waypoints in Feb/March, 2018. Should there be updates I’ll keep you posted. As one unannounced attendee discovered last year, our routes and waypoints are always fluid thanks to the wrath of Mother Nature and various states and counties DOT road closures. With the one noted exception above, gas up at each day’s end and as always, prepare your bike for the long haul (especially tires and battery) and bring 4 season clothing. The worst snow, hail and ice storm I’ve EVER been caught in on a motor was coming home from upper Washington through Oregon in the month of AUGUST nearly 20 years ago! Go figure.
Rhoda and I hope to see you on this historic ride. Finito!
His Own Self, Dennis M. Brown, Touring Executive Ride Director.
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