By: Don Winslow
The Municipal Motorcycle Officers of California has officially welcomed a motorcycle honor guard squad into its fold. Our intent is to promote MMOC throughout the State and provide exposure to all aspects of the general public. This unit is comprised of both active and retired Motor Officers, all MMOC members, from different agencies throughout the State giving of their time. The volunteers supply their own motorcycles, and uniforms, patches supplied by MMOC. Each participating Officer wears their respective department uniform and their department’s active/retired badge. Their motorcycles are of a Police type and equipped with red/blue lights. The use of their sirens is only during a “Parade Sweep.”
This group has actually been in existence for several years without any sponsor traveling up and down the State to lead parades at the request of many municipalities. It is our hope that we can draw Officers from Central and Northern California to augment those from Southern California who are willing to give of their time to not only have fun but assist in promoting the MMOC. The unit has 8 volunteers at this point and still growing. The squad is not a drill team so hazardous ridding is not involved or accepted. The lead motor is ridden by retired Motor Officer Pat Armstrong from the Santa Monica Police Department. As the leader of the squad Pat carries a 14 foot American flag which definitely gets peoples attention, below the American flag he also holds the MMOC banner. The other motors carry a smaller American plus a 6” by 9” MKMOC flag. We continually get positive accolades wherever we participate throughout the State.
Please any current member of the MMOC interested in joining this squad or assist it in any way is encouraged to contact me, Don Winslow, at (626) 523-3960.
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